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Miniaturka MTV
Tom Rosenthal - Don't You Know How Busy & Important I Am?
'Don't You Know How Busy & Important I am?' is available on - iTunes - Spotify - Bandcamp (CD + Vinyl) - ----------------------------------------­---- Directed, produced, edited by Siddharth Khajuria & Tom Rosenthal ( Visual(…)
okejki 1 · 8 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
How Much is that Doggy in the Window?
Each year, tens of thousands of dogs are subjected to horrible cruelty before being slaughtered and eaten at the Yulin dogmeat festival. Many dogs and even puppies destined for consumption at the Yulin festival every year are stolen family pets. These dogs, along with dogs who are farmed in horrific conditions, are crammed into small cages, one on top of another. Dogs endure ter(…)
okejki 7 · 8 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Hulk w rosyjskiej reklamie Red Bulla
Мощь Халка не знает границ даже вне игры! Смотри видео первым — подпишись на наш канал! The power of Hulk is boundless even outside the game! To watch new series subscribe to our channel or visit our site!…)
okejki 7 · 8 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
The Secret Life Of Pets - Official Teaser Trailer (HD) - Illumination
The Secret Life Of Pets - Official Teaser Trailer (HD) - Illumination In Theaters Summer 2016 SUBSCRIBE: For their fifth fully-animated feature-film collaboration, Illumination Entertainment and Universal Pictures present The Secret Life of Pets, a comedy about the lives our pets lead after we leave for work (…)
okejki 9 · 8 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Loving Eyes -Toyota Safety Sense
父の日に、世界中の親子へ贈る物語。父の目と、娘の目。クルマを舞台に繰り広げられる­­人生の軌跡を、2つの視点から描き出した新感覚ダブルサイド・ストーリー。その眼差­し­に映し出される、本当の想いとは・・・ This is a story dedicated to parents and children in the world on Father’s Day. Eyes of father and eyes of daughter.The double-sided story of life time with cars captured from two different points of view will give you new sensation. What is the true feeling behind those lovi(…)
okejki 12 · 8 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Przyjaźń niejedno ma imię
Nie trzeba być takim samym, żeby trzymać się razem. Więc przyjaźń pomiędzy owcą a słoniem jest jak najbardziej możliwa.
okejki 371 · 48 103x · komentarze 26 · 8 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Dove na Dzień Ojca
This Father’s Day, our new Dove Men+Care film celebrates men from the very first moment they find out they are going to be a dad. Why? Because we know that showing care is a sign of a man’s real strength. Watch our film to see how care makes dad stronger. Then, share your advice with the #RealStrength Subscribe to our YouTube channel […)
okejki 6 · 8 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
#14 Przez Świat na Fazie - Kostaryka
Kolejny film z serii Przez Świat Na Fazie. Trochę różni się od reszty, ale jest co oglądać. W tym odcinku m. in. zajrzymy sobie do krokodyli.
okejki 263 · 30 126x · komentarze 25 · 8 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Stepped in dog poop! For licensing and usage please contact (1 087 065x oglądano na YT)
okejki 5 · 8 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Zamyślony rowerzysta
The Daydreaming Cyclist "I am a driving instructor, Edward was on his first lesson, we parked up to discuss his progress. We then heard the crash as the cyclist rode into us. I got out to check if he was ok and if there was any damage, The car didn't appear to be damaged but I noticed later on a dent on the car which I had not seen, I was distracted by the cyclist who's face wa(…)
okejki 8 · 8 lat temu